Southern (Junior) Heavyweight Title
Won By | Defeated | Location | Date |
Henry Harrell | Tex Riley-1 | Jackson, MS | 4-19-52
Herb Welch | Henry Harrell | Knoxville, TN | 7-52
Al Galento | Herb Welch | Chattanooga, TN | 8-21-52
Tex Riley | Al Galento | | 10-52
Jesse James | Tex Riley | | 10-52
Red Roberts | | | <1-53
Ray Piret | Red Roberts | Nashville, TN | 3-17-54
Sonny Myers | Ray Piret | Birmingham, AL | 2-21-55
Frank Jares | Sonny Myers | Birmingham, AL | 7-25-55
The Masked Bat | Frank Jares | Nashville, TN | 5-22-56
Frank Jares | The Masked Bat | Nashville, TN | 5-29-56
Jesse James | Frank Jares | Nashville, TN | 7-24-56
Frank Jares | Jesse James | Nashville, TN | 8-7-56
Herb Welch | Frank Jares | Birmingham, AL | 8-27-56
Great Malenko | Herb Welch | Mobile, AL | 9-19-56
Herb Welch | Great Malenko | Mobile, AL | 10-16-56
Tor Yamata | Herb Welch | Birmingham, AL | 2-25-57
Cyclone Anaya | Tor Yamata | Birmingham, AL | 6-17-57
Mario Galento | Cyclone Anaya | Mobile, AL | 8-21-57
Tor Yamata | Cyclone Anaya-2 | Nashville, TN | 10-1-57
Ray Stevens | Tor Yamata | Birmingham, AL | 11-11-57
Tor Yamata | Ray Stevens | | <1-58
Herb Welch | Tor Yamata | Memphis, TN | 3-17-58
Fred Blassie | | | <5-58
Ray Stevens | | | <6-58
Corsica Jean | Ray Stevens | Nashville, TN | 7-22-58
Ray Stevens | Corsica Jean | | <10-58
Yvon Robert | Chris Zaharias-3 | Birmingham, AL | 58
Jesse James | Yvon Robert | Birmingham, AL | 1-12-59
Jackie Fargo | Jesse James | Mobile, AL | 9-30-59
Mike Clancy | Jackie Fargo | Birmingham, AL | 12-28-59
Bill Monroe | Mike Clancy | Chattanooga, TN | 12-22-60
Len Rossi | Bill Monroe | Nashville, TN | 12-27-60
Don Greene | Len Rossi | Chattanooga, TN | 7-22-61
Len Rossi | Don Greene | Chattanooga, TN | 1-8-62
Taro Sakuro | Len Rossi | Chattanooga, TN | 2-18-62
Joe Lanza | Taro Sakuro | Chattanooga, TN | 6-7-62
Jackie Fargo | | | <8-62
Hans Steiner | | | <9-62
Len Rossi | | | <5-63
Frankie Cain | Len Rossi | Memphis, TN | 5-63
Alex Perez | | | <1-65
Rocky Smith | Alex Perez | | 2-65
Alex Perez | Rocky Smith | Memphis, TN | 2-18-65
Rocky Smith | Alex Perez | | <11-65
Rocky Smith | Hiro Matsuda-4 | Chattanooga, TN | 12-20-65
Alex Perez | Rocky Smith | Nashville, TN | 1-18-66
Al Costello | Alex Perez | Nashville, TN | 4-6-66
Karl Von Brauner | Al Costello | Chattanooga, TN | 4-28-66
Jackie Fargo | Karl Von Brauner | Nashville, TN | 7-27-66
Len Rossi | | | <4-67
Great Yamaha | Len Rossi | Chattanooga, TN | 8-19-67
Len Rossi | Great Yamaha | Chattanooga, TN | 8-31-67
Tojo Yamamoto | Len Rossi | Chattanooga, TN | 3-19-68
Len Rossi | | | <3-70
Bobby Hart | Johnny Valentine-5 | Memphis, TN | 5-30-70
Len Rossi | Bobby Hart | Nashville, TN | 7-22-70
Don Greene | Dennis Hall-6 | Memphis, TN | 9-14-70
Johnny Walker | Don Greene | Memphis, TN | 9-21-70
Len Rossi | | | <6-71
Sputnik Monroe | Len Rossi | Chattanooga, TN | 7-1-71
Len Rossi | Sputnik Monroe | Chattanooga, TN | 8-5-71
Don Greene | Len Rossi | | <8-72
Len Rossi | | | <1973
Steve Kovacs | | | <4-27-73
Jerry Lawler | Steve Kovacs | Chattanooga, TN | 5-4-73
Tommy Gilbert | | Birmingham, AL | 1973
Lou Thesz | Tommy Gilbert | | 1973
Tommy Gilbert | Lou Thesz | | 1973
Ron Garvin | Tommy Gilbert | | <12-12-73
Tommy Gilbert | Ron Garvin | Birmingham, AL | <1-28-74
Lou Thesz | Tommy Gilbert | Memphis, TN | 3-18-74
Tommy Gilbert | Lou Thesz | Memphis, TN | 4-1-74
Jerry Lawler | Tommy Gilbert | Memphis, TN | 4-15-74
Ricky Gibson | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-7 | 6-3-74
Jerry Lawler | Ricky Gibson | Memphis, TN-8 | 6-10-74
Jackie Fargo | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 6-24-74
Jerry Lawler | Jackie Fargo | Memphis, TN-9 | 7-8-74
Jackie Fargo | Jerry Lawler | Chattanooga, TN | 7-20-74
Jerry Lawler | Jackie Fargo | Chattanooga, TN-10 | 7-27-74
Robert Fuller | Jerry Lawler | Nashville, TN | 10-23-74
Jerry Lawler | Robert Fuller | Nashville, TN | 10-30-74
Ron Fuller-11 | | Memphis, TN | 12-29-74
Ron Wright | Ron Fuller | Knoxville, TN | 2-21-75
Ron Fuller | Ron Wright | Knoxville, TN | 2-28-75
Mongolian Stomper | Ron Fuller | Memphis, TN | 6-9-75
Jerry Lawler | Mongolian Stomper | Memphis, TN-12 | 7-14-75
Mongolian Stomper | Jerry Lawler | | <7-21-75
Bob Armstrong | Mongolian Stomper | Louisville, KY-13 | 9-23-75
Jerry Lawler | Bob Armstrong | Huntsville, AL | >10-20-75
Bob Armstrong | Jerry Lawler | | <11-24-75
Jerry Lawler | Ron Fuller-14 | Memphis, TN | 12-15-75
Jerry Lawler | Ricky Gibson-15 | Memphis, TN | 1-19-76
Tommy Rich | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-16 | 2-22-76
Jerry Lawler | Tommy Rich | | <4-5-76
Jack Brisco | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 8-9-76
Jerry Lawler | Jack Brisco | Memphis, TN-17 | 8-16-76
Tommy Rich | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 9-14-76
Jerry Lawler | Tommy Rich | | <10-4-76
Rocky Johnson | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 11-1-76
Jerry Lawler | Rocky Johnson | Memphis, TN | 4-11-77
Bob Armstrong | Jerry Lawler | Knoxville, TN | 4-28-77
Jerry Lawler | Bob Armstrong | Memphis, TN | 5-1-77
Paul Orndorff | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 5-29-77
Jerry Lawler | Paul Orndorff | Memphis, TN | 7-18-77
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 7-25-77
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN | 8-1-77
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-18 | 8-22-77
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-19 | 8-29-77
Jimmy Valiant | Mr. Wrestling-20 | Memphis, TN | 9-19-77
Jerry Lawler | Jimmy Valiant | Memphis, TN | 10-10-77
Jimmy Valiant | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-21 | 11-28-77
Jerry Lawler | Jimmy Valiant | Memphis, TN-21 | 12-5-77
Jos LeDuc | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 8-7-78
Jerry Lawler | Jos LeDuc | Memphis, TN | 8-14-78
Jos LeDuc | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 8-28-78
Jerry Lawler | Jos LeDuc | | <10-16-78
Don Fargo | Jerry Lawler | | <11-6-78
Tommy Gilbert | Don Fargo | Memphis, TN | 11-20-78
Jerry Lawler | Tommy Gilbert | Memphis, TN | 12-4-78
Austin Idol | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 12-25-78
Ron Fuller | Austin Idol | Memphis, TN | 1-15-79
Toru Tanaka | Ron Fuller | Memphis, TN-22 | 2-12-79
Buzz Sawyer | Toru Tanaka | Memphis, TN | 3-31-79
Mongolian Stomper | Buzz Sawyer | Memphis, TN-23 | <4-16-79
Robert Fuller | Mongolian Stomper | Memphis, TN-24 | 6-4-79
Ron Bass | Robert Fuller | | <7-9-79
Bill Dundee | Ron Bass | Memphis, TN | 8-27-79
Bill Dundee | Ron Bass-25 | Memphis, TN | 9-17-79
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN | 9-24-79
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-26 | 10-1-79
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN | 10-15-79
Jackie Fargo | Jerry Lawler | Jackson, TN | 11-22-79
Jimmy Valiant | Jackie Fargo | Jackson, TN | 1-3-80
Paul Ellering | Jimmy Valiant | Memphis, TN | 4-7-80
Bill Dundee | Paul Ellering | Memphis, TN-27 | 7-7-80
Bill Irwin | Jimmy Valiant-28 | Memphis, TN | 8-11-80
Jimmy Valiant | Bill Irwin | Memphis, TN-29 | 8-25-80
Tommy Rich | Jimmy Valiant | Memphis, TN | 9-1-80
Jimmy Valiant | Tommy Rich | Memphis, TN | 9-9-80
Tommy Rich | Jimmy Valiant | | <10-6-80
Jimmy Valiant | Hector Guerrero-30 | Memphis, TN | 1-17-81
Jerry Lawler | Jimmy Valiant | Memphis, TN | 2-15-81
Jimmy Hart | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-31 | 6-22-81
Chick Donovan | Jimmy Hart | Memphis, TN | 6-27-81
Steve Keirn | Bugsy McGraw-32 | Memphis, TN | 7-20-81
Dream Machine | Steve Keirn | Jackson, TN | 8-16-81
Jerry Lawler | Dream Machine | Memphis, TN-33 | 8-24-81
Dream Machine | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-34 | 9-7-81
Jimmy Valiant | Dream Machine | Memphis, TN | 9-14-81
Dream Machine | Jimmy Valiant | | <10-12-81
Dutch Mantel | Dream Machine | Memphis, TN-35 | 10-26-81
Jerry Lawler | Dutch Mantel | Memphis, TN | 1-18-82
Dutch Mantel | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-36 | 2-15-82
Jerry Lawler | Dutch Mantel | Memphis, TN-37 | 3-1-82
Dutch Mantel | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-38 | 3-22-82
Jerry Lawler | Dutch Mantel | Memphis, TN-39 | 3-29-82
Kendo Nagasaki | Jerry Lawler | | 5-82
Jerry Lawler | Kendo Nagasaki | Memphis, TN-40 | 5-24-82
Kamala | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-41 | 6-7-82
Jerry Lawler | Kamala | Memphis, TN-42 | 8-9-82
Nick Bockwinkel | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 10-11-82
Jerry Lawler | Nick Bockwinkel | Memphis, TN-43 | 11-8-82
Sabu the Wildman | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-44 | 11-15-82
Terry Taylor | Sabu the Wildman | Memphis, TN | 11-29-82
Jerry Roberts | Terry Taylor | Memphis, TN | 1-31-83
Terry Taylor | Jerry Roberts | Memphis, TN-45 | 2-14-83
Bill Dundee | Terry Taylor | Memphis, TN | 3-21-83
Dutch Mantel | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-46 | 5-9-83
Bill Dundee | Dutch Mantel | Memphis, TN-47 | 5-16-83
Dutch Mantel | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-48 | 5-23-83
Jerry Lawler | Dutch Mantel | Memphis, TN | <5-30-83
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 5-30-83
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-49 | 6-6-83
Man Mountain Link | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 6-13-83
Jerry Lawler | Man Mountain Link | Memphis, TN | 6-20-83
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee-50 | Memphis, TN | 9-5-83
Jesse Ventura | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 9-12-83
Jerry Lawler | Jesse Ventura | Memphis, TN-51 | 10-3-83
Jesse Ventura | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-52 | 10-10-83
Jerry Lawler | Jesse Ventura | Chicago, IL | <11-21-83
Lord Humongous | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 4-23-84
Jerry Lawler | Lord Humongous | Memphis, TN | 5-21-84
Rick Rude | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 6-11-84
Tommy Rich | Rick Rude | Memphis, TN | 7-16-84
King Kong Bundy | Tommy Rich | Memphis, TN-53 | 7-30-84
Jerry Lawler | King Kong Bundy | Memphis, TN-54 | 11-12-84
Eddie Gilbert | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-55 | 1-28-85
Jerry Lawler | Eddie Gilbert | Memphis, TN-56 | 2-11-85
Randy Savage | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 3-18-85
Jerry Oske | Randy Savage | Louisville, KY | 5-7-85
Randy Savage | Jerry Oske | Memphis, TN | 5-13-85
Jerry Lawler | Randy Savage | Memphis, TN-57 | 6-3-85
Bota the Witch Doctor | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 6-24-85
Jerry Lawler | Bota the Witch Doctor | Memphis, TN | 7-29-85
Taras Bulba | Jerry Lawler | Selmer, TN | 8-16-85
Jerry Lawler | Taras Bulba | Martin, TN | 9-6-85
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 10-19-85
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN | 12-21-85
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-58 | 12-30-85
Jerry Lawler | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-59 | 4-7-86
Bill Dundee | Jerry Lawler | Jackson, TN | 5-2-86
Buddy Landell | Bill Dundee | Memphis, TN-60 | 6-2-86
Buddy Landell | Flame-61 | Memphis, TN | 6-16-86
Bam Bam Bigelow-62 | | Memphis, TN | 7-28-86
Jerry Lawler | Bam Bam Bigelow | Memphis, TN-63 | 9-8-86
Austin Idol | S.T. Jones-64 | Memphis, TN | 2-3-87
Jerry Lawler | Austin Idol | Memphis, TN-65 | 4-20-87
Austin Idol | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-66 | 4-27-87
Jerry Lawler | Austin Idol | Memphis, TN | 6-8-87
Brickhouse Brown | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN | 7-6-87
Jerry Lawler | Brickhouse Brown | Memphis, TN | 7-13-87
Don Bass | Jerry Lawler | Memphis, TN-67 | 8-3-87
Don Bass | Jerry Lawler-68 | Memphis, TN | 8-24-87
Jerry Lawler | Don Bass | Memphis, TN-69 | 8-31-87
Bobby Jaggers | Billy Travis-70 | Memphis, TN | 10-20-87
Jerry Lawler | Bobby Jaggers | Memphis, TN-71 | 11-21-87
[...]- Denotes gap in title history where changes are unknown
1- Tournament final to determine initial champion
2- Match for vacant title. Galento was stripped for failing to defend the title
3- Match for title vacant after Stevens left
4- Rematch for vacant title. Title held up after match on 12-16-65
5- Match for vacant title
6- Tournament final. Title vacated by Rossi in August 1970
7- Jackie Fargo was the special referee
8- No-DQ, Title vs. Hair match
9- No-DQ match
10- Title became known as the Southern Heavyweight title in August 1974
11- Won tournament for vacant title
12- Lance Russell was the special referee
13- Second rematch for title held-up after match on 9-9-75. First rematch on 9-15 ended in draw
14- Tournament final for vacant title
15- Rematch for held up title
16- No-DQ match
17- Title vs. Bank Account match
18- Title & Hair vs. Lawler's Cadillac & manager Mickey Poole's Hair
19- Hair vs. Car Texas Death match
20- Tournament final. Title vacated on 9-13-77 after Lawler temporarily retired
21- Title vs. $20,000 Stretcher match. Challenge put up the money each time
22- Won by forfeit
23- Rematch for title held-up after match on 4-2-79
24- Title vs. Loser-leaves-town match
25- Rematch for title held-up after match on 9-11-79
26- No-DQ, Title vs. Hair match
27- Title vs. Hair match
28- Tournament final. Title vacated by Dundee after he won the CWA title
29- No-DQ rematch for title held-up after match on 8-18-80
30- Tournament final. Title was vacated by Rich
31- Wayne Farris and Kevin Sullivan were the special referees
32- Tournament final. Donovan was stripped of the title because Hart had allowed Donovan to pin him
33- No-DQ, Loser gets Tarred and Feathered match
34- No-DQ, Loser-leaves-town match. Since Machine won, Jimmy Hart was allowed to return after having lost a
Loser-leave town match the week before. If Machine had lost, all of Hart's First Family would have been forced
to leave. Koko Ware was the special referee
35- No-DQ match
36- Rematch for title held up after match on 2-7-82
37- No-DQ match
38- No-DQ match
39- Barbed Wire match
40- No-DQ match
41- No-DQ match
42- No-DQ, Title vs. Hair match
43- No-DQ, Title vs. Hair match
44- Handicap match between Lawler and Sabu & Jimmy Hart
45- No-DQ match
46- Title vs. Hair match
47- Scaffold match
48- Bull Whip match
49- No-DQ, Loser-leaves-town match
50- Tournament final. Lawler was stripped for failing to defend the title within 30 days
51- No-DQ match
52- No-DQ match
53- Eddie Gilbert was the special referee
54- Rick Rude was the special referee
55- Texas Death match. Title was originally held up immediately after the match, but later returned to Gilbert
56- Gilbert's manager Jimmy Hart was forced to leave Tennessee since Gilbert lost
57- No-DQ, Loser-leaves-town match
58- Dundee & his wife's hair vs. Loser-leaves-town, No-DQ match.
Lawler was supposed to leave for 6 months, but returned after only 2 months
59- No-DQ Steel Cage match
60- Barbed Wire match
61- Tournament final. Title immediately held-up after match on 6-2-86
62- Won a Battle Royal for the vacant title. Title vacant after Landell left
63- Texas Death match
64- Tournament final. Lawler was stripped of the title on 1-11-87 after he was injured
65- Chain match
66- Hair vs. Hair, Loser-leaves-town Steel Cage match
67- Bass pinned Lawler in a Title vs. Hair Steel Cage tag team match between Bass & Brickhouse Brown vs.
Lawler & Rocky Johnson after special referee Big Bubba attacked Lawler, which lead to the pinfall.
The title was held-up 12 days later
68- Match for held-up title
69- Title vs. Hair Steel Cage match
70- Tournament final. Lawler voluntarily vacated the title
71- Unified with the International & Mid-America titles as the CWA Heavyweight Title on 12-7-87
Southern Tag Team Title |
Mid-America Title |
International Title
CWA Heavyweight Title |
CWA Tag Team Title